Fórmula suave para el sueño tranquilo de los niños

Carefully crafted with Organic Elderberry, Melatonin, Chamomile, and Lemon Balm to optimize sleep and support healthy growth for kids ages 2-10.

Kids Sleep Tincture
TruHeight®️ Pequeños Tintura para el sueño
TruHeight®️ Pequeños Tintura para el sueño
TruHeight®️ Pequeños Tintura para el sueño
 Cargar imagen en el visor de la galería, Kids Sleep Tincture
 Cargar imagen en el visor de la galería, TruHeight®️ Pequeños Tintura para el sueño
 Cargar imagen en el visor de la galería, TruHeight®️ Pequeños Tintura para el sueño
 Cargar imagen en el visor de la galería, TruHeight®️ Pequeños Tintura para el sueño
  • Formulado para que los niños pequeños mejoren la calidad del sueño.
  • Contiene ingredientes conocidos por fortalecer el sistema inmunitario.
  • Contiene una rica mezcla de antioxidantes que alivian el estrés y tienen efectos calmantes.
  • Promueve la vía de la hormona del crecimiento humano (HGH), crucial para el crecimiento.

Fórmula suave para el sueño tranquilo de los niños

Carefully crafted with Organic Elderberry, Melatonin, Chamomile, and Lemon Balm to optimize sleep and support healthy growth for kids ages 2-10.

Número de botellas

Note: Sleep Tincture is out of stock due to high demand. Orders placed now will ship the third week of March.

$0.00 each
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Consistency fuels growth: Subscribe to TruHeight® for long-lasting results.
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Consistency fuels growth: Subscribe to TruHeight® for long-lasting results.
 Auto ship every month

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Confiado por Padres en Todo

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Made With Top Quality

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Support healthy growth and development

  • Formulado para que los niños pequeños mejoren la calidad del sueño.
  • Contiene ingredientes conocidos por fortalecer el sistema inmunitario.
  • Contiene una rica mezcla de antioxidantes que alivian el estrés y tienen efectos calmantes.
  • Promueve la vía de la hormona del crecimiento humano (HGH), crucial para el crecimiento.

¿Qué hace?

TruHeight Tintura para Dormir Niños combina los mejores ingredientes para que sus pequeños duerman sin estrés, en paz y sin interrupciones:

  • Saúco orgánico - refuerza la inmunidad y proporciona apoyo antioxidante, también es rico en vitamina C y otros compuestos beneficiosos.

  • Melatonina - regula de forma natural los ciclos del sueño o mejora la calidad del sueño y ayuda a establecer un ritmo saludable de sueño-vigilia.

  • Manzanilla y toronjil - Calma y relaja, promoviendo una experiencia calmante a la hora de dormir y ayuda a reducir la ansiedad y a conciliar el sueño.

How it works

  • Un sueño insuficiente y el estrés pueden dificultar el crecimiento de tu pequeño. El saúco orgánico, la L-teanina y la melisa ayudan a controlar la hormona del estrés, el cortisol, y la respuesta del organismo al estrés. Además, una dosis baja de melatonina mejora la calidad del sueño. 

How to take

  • Administrar un gotero (1 ml) 30 minutos antes de acostarse. Puede tomarse directamente o mezclado con una pequeña cantidad de agua o zumo. Para obtener mejores resultados, utilícelo sistemáticamente como parte de la rutina nocturna de su hijo.
  • Recuerde consultar con un profesional sanitario antes de incorporar cualquier suplemento o hierba a la rutina de su hijo.

Who Can Take

  • Niños de 2 a 10 años.

What's Inside

  • Cada gota de nuestra Tintura para Dormir para Niños contiene Melatonina, Vitamina B6, Saúco Orgánico, Manzanilla y Toronjil.

Ver información sobre el suplemento

¿Por qué el sueño es crucial para los niños en edad de crecimiento?

El sueño desencadena la liberación de la hormona del crecimiento,
que es vital para el desarrollo de sus huesos, músculos y órganos. En Durante
el sueño profundo, esta hormona se libera con mayor eficacia y preparándoles
para las actividades del día siguiente.

kid sleeping in bed

Una buena noche de sueño prepara a un niño
para el día siguiente–sin importar lo que le depare

Las noches de ensueño conducen a días brillantes para los niños, ya que el sueño es la piedra angular de su
crecimiento mental y físico.
Es durante esas preciosas horas de sueño cuando
el cerebro y el cuerpo del niño se desarrollan al máximo, lo que repercute en todo, desde el aprendizaje
y la salud a largo plazo.

3 kids running in the field

Esto es lo que nos hace destacar

Cross icon

Diferencia sólida

Los suplementos estimulantes del sueño para niños pequeños suelen estar disponibles en forma masticable y en comprimidos. Sin embargo, el tiempo que tardan estas formas en disolverse y digerir puede dificultar la rápida aparición de los efectos del somnífero.

Cross icon

Sin transparencia

Es posible que otras marcas no proporcionen información clara sobre sus ingredientes o su idoneidad para los niños, incluido un mayor contenido de melatonina y glicerina.

Cross icon

Las hierbas que utilizan

Otras tinturas del sueño o suplementos del sueño para los cabritos utilizan las hierbas y otros ingredientes que abastecen más a calmar y a dormir de efectos para los cabritos, haciéndoles sueño rápidamente, pero no de una manera natural.

Cross icon

Sabor extraño

Otros líquidos somníferos se encuentran con comentarios de los padres sobre un perfil de sabor indescriptible o un sabor artificial que no es agradable para las papilas gustativas de los niños pequeños.

La ventaja de la tintura

Nuestra formulación líquida está diseñada para una absorción suave pero rápida, evitando la digestión para ofrecer resultados más rápidos y eficaces. Esto aumenta su capacidad para ayudar a los niños a dormir mejor y puede mezclarse cómodamente con su bebida favorita.

Correct icon

Nuestro compromiso

TruHeight Pequeños Tintura para el sueño está elaborada con ingredientes seguros, de alta calidad y no modificados genéticamente, cuidadosamente seleccionados por su eficacia. Nuestra fórmula única está diseñada específicamente para apoyar y mejorar los patrones de sueño de los niños de forma natural, ayudándoles a lograr un sueño reparador en armonía con las necesidades de su cuerpo.

Correct icon

El efecto de la baya del saúco

Junto con el bálsamo de limón, que no es también ofrecido por muchos en el mercado, el extracto de la baya del saúco se utiliza únicamente en este fórmula para combatir la tensión oxidativa y la inflamación en el cuerpo y para contribuir a un estado fisiológico más tranquilo naturalmente.

Correct icon

Nuestro perfil de sabor

Nuestra tintura para dormir tiene un sabor a fresa y sandía cuidadosamente mezclado para satisfacer las preferencias gustativas de los niños pequeños. Tiene un sabor natural y no abrumador que haga pensar a los niños que están recibiendo una golosina con cada gota.

Correct icon

La ventaja de la tintura

Correct icon

Nuestra formulación líquida está diseñada para una absorción suave pero rápida, evitando la digestión para ofrecer resultados más rápidos y eficaces. Esto aumenta su capacidad para ayudar a los niños a dormir mejor y puede mezclarse cómodamente con su bebida favorita.

Nuestro compromiso

Correct icon

TruHeight Pequeños Tintura para el sueño está elaborada con ingredientes seguros, de alta calidad y no modificados genéticamente, cuidadosamente seleccionados por su eficacia. Nuestra fórmula única está diseñada específicamente para apoyar y mejorar los patrones de sueño de los niños de forma natural, ayudándoles a lograr un sueño reparador en armonía con las necesidades de su cuerpo.

El efecto de la baya del saúco

Correct icon

Junto con el bálsamo de limón, que no es también ofrecido por muchos en el mercado, el extracto de la baya del saúco se utiliza únicamente en este fórmula para combatir la tensión oxidativa y la inflamación en el cuerpo y para contribuir a un estado fisiológico más tranquilo naturalmente.

Nuestro perfil de sabor

Correct icon

Nuestra tintura para dormir tiene un sabor a fresa y sandía cuidadosamente mezclado para satisfacer las preferencias gustativas de los niños pequeños. Tiene un sabor natural y no abrumador que haga pensar a los niños que están recibiendo una golosina con cada gota.

Diferencia sólida

Correct icon

Los suplementos estimulantes del sueño para niños pequeños suelen estar disponibles en forma masticable y en comprimidos. Sin embargo, el tiempo que tardan estas formas en disolverse y digerir puede dificultar la rápida aparición de los efectos del somnífero.

Sin transparencia

Correct icon

Es posible que otras marcas no proporcionen información clara sobre sus ingredientes o su idoneidad para los niños, incluido un mayor contenido de melatonina y glicerina.

Las hierbas que utilizan

Correct icon

Otras tinturas del sueño o suplementos del sueño para los cabritos utilizan las hierbas y otros ingredientes que abastecen más a calmar y a dormir de efectos para los cabritos, haciéndoles sueño rápidamente, pero no de una manera natural.

Sabor extraño

Correct icon

Otros líquidos somníferos se encuentran con comentarios de los padres sobre un perfil de sabor indescriptible o un sabor artificial que no es agradable para las papilas gustativas de los niños pequeños.

Serving Size: 1ml
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving %Daily Value
Riboflavin (as riboflavin 5-phosphate sodium) .25 mg 19%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal 5-phosphate) 5 mg 294%
Zinc (as zinc amino acid chelate) 1.5g 14%
Copper (as copper amino acid chelate) 0.17 mg 19%
Organic Eldeberry Extract 10:1 (Sambucus nigra) 200 mg **
Organic Lemon Balm Extract 10:1 (Melissa officinalis L.) 25 mg **
Organic Chamomile Extract 4:1 (Matricaria recutita) 25 mg **
Melatonin 500 mcg **
*Percent Daily Value (DV) based on 2,000 calorie diet.
**Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients:Deionized Water, Organic Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Organic Monk Fruit, Potassium Sorbate.


Vitamin B6

Organic Elderberry


Lemon Balm

Dr. Michael Milobsky

"TruHeight® takes a holistic approach to supporting kids and teens in their growth journey, prioritizing nutrition, sleep, stress management, hormonal balance, and immunity. As a pediatrician, I've seen its positive impact on children’s well-being. TruHeight® truly excels in promoting healthy development."

Dr. Michael Milobsky
Board Certified Pediatrician
TruHeight Ambassador

Kirsten Brooks

"TruHeight® stands out with its superior formulations and essential nutrients for healthy growth. It’s the brand I trust and recommend to parents seeking a reliable solution for their children's development. I’ve seen impressive results with my own sons and confidently share it with others."

Kirsten Brooks
BSc (Hons) DN Med (Dist) mBANT CNHC
The Brain Health Nutritionist
TruHeight Ambassador

Karen Wagner

"TruHeight® takes a holistic approach to supporting kids and teens in their growth journey, prioritizing nutrition, sleep, stress management, hormonal balance, and immunity. As a pediatrician, I've seen its positive impact on children’s well-being. TruHeight® truly excels in promoting healthy development."

Karen Wagner
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
TruHeight Ambassador

Based on 2383 reviews
TruHeight® Kit
Jaylen Johnson

Thank you so much I love it 😁

Growth Gummie

My son feels better and the gummies taste great!

TruHeight® Growth Capsules

TruHeight® Growth Gummy
William Colamatteo
Love These

My two kids love these vitamins…

TruHeight® Sleep Gummy
Gabriela Magali Tehutle Gonzalez

Mi hijo a descansado mejor por las noches con las gomitas y en el día he visto mayor energía con la malteada, estoy encantada con el producto.

Great product

My son seems to be satisfied

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, John! We're glad to hear that your son is satisfied with the product. His well-being is what matters most, and we’re thrilled to be part of his growth journey. If you ever have any questions or need tips on using the product, feel free to reach out.

TruHeight® Sleep Gummy
Charmaine Redmon
Real sleep

My kids are finally getting real sleep.

We’re so thrilled to hear this, Charmaine! Sleep is such a game-changer, and knowing that your kids are finally getting the rest they deserve makes our day. Thank you for trusting us to be part of their wellness journey. Here’s to even more peaceful nights ahead!

Nothing happen

It is all advertising. I used this product for my kids more than 6 month but their growth is normal like before. Not more than that. This product dosen't effect on growth at all.

Hi Mahsa,

We appreciate your honest feedback and are truly sorry to hear that you didn't see the results you were hoping for. While growth can vary depending on several factors, we understand your concern and want to help. We’ve assigned a dedicated Customer Service Ambassador to review your experience and explore options to address your concerns. They’ll be in touch with you shortly on your registered email address.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make things right, and we appreciate you sharing your experience. Your satisfaction remains our priority.

Don’t know if it will work but I don’t have to tell the kids to go take your vitamins anymore, have have noticed a little more energy

Thank you for sharing your experience, Joe! We're thrilled to hear that getting your kids to take their vitamins is now a breeze—what a win! 💪 The extra energy is a fantastic bonus, and we hope you continue to see positive changes as they stick with it. Keep us updated; we’re cheering you on! 😊


My son did all the research and is so excited to begin his journey

That’s amazing, Michael! We love hearing how invested your son is in his growth journey—it’s so inspiring! His excitement is contagious, and we’re thrilled to be part of this experience. Please keep us updated on his progress; we’re rooting for him every step of the way!

Growing potential

My son has been taking the bone growth gummy for a month, he was so excited to start them. Before we started we measured his height and a month in he has grown 1 inch. He is super excited.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful feedback, Yessenia! We're thrilled to hear that your son is excited about his growth progress, and it's fantastic that he’s already seeing results after just a month. We truly appreciate you choosing our bone growth gummies, and we’re excited to continue supporting his journey! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or updates.

Absolutely the BEST!!!

Absolutely love their products. I had been having issues with my 2 year old eating. She’s been taking the appetite gummies for about 2 weeks and her appetite has increased significantly. I use to beg her to eat and she just wasn’t having it, now she asks me to eat. I am very happy with their products. She’s also taking the brain and bone gummies! Thank you so much for such great products. Definitely recommend 10/10

Thank you so much for this amazing feedback, Illiana! We’re so happy to hear that the appetite gummies have made such a positive impact for your daughter. It’s wonderful to know she’s now excited to eat and that she’s enjoying our brain and bone gummies too! We truly appreciate your trust in our products and your kind recommendation. We’re excited to continue supporting her growth and well-being!

Grape chewables

My son lives these

We're so happy to hear that your son loves them, Laura! It’s always a win when kids enjoy something that’s good for them too. Thanks for sharing your experience—your feedback means the world to us! If you ever have questions or need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. 😊

Just more than a month that my kids are using it. So will see

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Hazel! We’re thrilled that your kids are using TruHeight and are excited to see their progress over time. Keep us posted on how things go—we’re cheering them on every step of the way! If you ever have any questions or need any support, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here for you!

Shaker Bottle
Curtis Peters
Great shaker overall!

I don’t have much experience with protein shakers but this one seems great. Never has chunks when I clean it after my son has his shake. Maybe because of the small spring ball. It cleans easy and seals perfectly. Thanks TruHeight!

Thank you for the fantastic review, Curtis! We’re so glad to hear that the shaker is making life easier for you and ensuring smooth, chunk-free shakes for your son! That little spring ball really does the trick, doesn’t it? 💪

It’s great to know you find it easy to clean and reliable with its perfect seal—because convenience matters! If there’s anything else we can do to make your experience even better, feel free to reach out. Cheers to effortless shakes and happy moments ahead! ✨

Great product

We have been using it for a long time and my daughter has been growing consistently.

Thank you for sharing your experience, Dennise! We're so glad to hear that your daughter has been growing consistently while using TruHeight—it’s always amazing to see progress like that. 💪

If there's ever anything we can do to support your journey or make it even better, don't hesitate to reach out. Keep up the great work! 😊

Great Product

We have just started using Tru Height but are impressed so far! The sleep gummies are amazing!

Thank you so much for your kind words, Rebecca! We're thrilled that you're already impressed with TruHeight and loving the Sleep Gummies. 😴✨ It's wonderful to hear they're making a difference for your family!


My son used to have trouble getting to sleep. True height sleep gummies work so well and he falls asleep and stays asleep! I know kids grow when they sleep- so thankful we found true height!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Sabrina! We're thrilled to hear that the Sleep Gummies are helping your son rest peacefully through the night—quality sleep is such an important part of growth and overall well-being!

Knowing that TrueHeight is making a difference in your family’s life means the world to us. If there's anything else we can do to support you, we're just a message away. Here's to sweet dreams and continued growth! ✨

Kids Disliked Day Gummies, So We Tried Sleep

They love them! Ask for them by color. Have been using for over a year now. My eldest just grew 2 inches during his last yearly check-up, which puts him squarely in the average range. Whereas he was short it stature before. Planning on keeping kids in gummies indefinitely.

Thank you for sharing your amazing experience, Margaret! We're thrilled your kids love the gummies (asking by color—how cute! ) and to hear about your eldest’s 2-inch growth milestone.

We're honored to be part of their journey and are here for anything you need. Cheers to more growth and health ahead! 😊

Yummy and effective

My son loves the flavor and it works the way it says!

Thank you so much for the wonderful review Kelley! We’re thrilled to hear that your son loves the flavor and that the product is working as promised. It means a lot to us that you’re seeing the results you hoped for. If there's anything else we can do to help, don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to continuing to support your journey! 😊

Great priduct

Started using 3 months ago and already see growth

That's awesome to hear, Donald! We’re so glad to know that you’ve already started seeing growth after just three months! It’s amazing to be part of your journey, and we can’t wait to see even more progress in the future. Keep us posted on how things are going! 💪

Great highly recommended vitamins.

Very please with the growth from my young athletic boys. Within just a month both my 5 year old and 11 year old have grown half an inch. Now subscribed to the monthly shipment. Can't wait to see the progress and keep track of it all!

Wow, thank you so much for sharing your amazing results, Erik! We’re beyond excited to hear that both your 5-year-old and 11-year-old have already grown half an inch in just a month—such incredible progress! It’s fantastic to know that you’re seeing the benefits and have decided to subscribe to the monthly shipment. We can’t wait to see how much more growth they’ll experience!

Your journey is inspiring, and we’re so happy to be part of it. Keep us updated on their progress—we love hearing stories like yours! If you ever need any support or have questions along the way, we’re here for you. Let’s keep growing together!

Onto good things

Hoping for results no growth to date

Thank you so much for your 5-star rating, Sharon!

We truly appreciate your trust in our product and understand that seeing noticeable results can take time. Consistency is key, and we’re here to support you on your journey every step of the way. If you have any questions about how to get the best results, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’d be happy to assist!

Thank you again for your patience and for choosing us. We’re rooting for your success! 😊

Amazing product

My kids asking for them everyday. Taste good and see their grow spurt

Thank you for sharing your experience, Carmen! We're thrilled to hear that your kids love the taste and are seeing such great results. Knowing they’re excited to take their supplements daily makes us so happy—it’s a win for both taste and growth! 😊 If you ever have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you and your little ones continued growth and success!

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Es seguro para los niños?

La seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad. Nuestros productos se someten a rigurosas pruebas y se adhieren a estrictas normas de calidad para garantizar que son seguros para sus preciosos pequeños. Nuestros ingredientes proceden de la naturaleza. Puede confiar en que nuestra fórmula está formulada con cuidado y experiencia para proporcionar los nutrientes esenciales que sus hijos necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo saludables. Además, siempre es importante observar el organismo de su hijo y, si tiene alguna duda, consulte a su pediatra.

Does this have any side effects for my kids?

TruHeight® products are formulated with safe, high-quality ingredients, and are designed to support growth and development without causing adverse effects. However, everyone's body is different. If you have specific health concerns or are taking prescription medications, we recommend consulting your doctor before starting any new dietary supplement.

If you have any questions or wish to share your experience, feel free to reach out to our team for support.

What’s the flavor of this tincture?

TruHeight® Kids Sleep Tincture comes in a kid-approved strawberry-watermelon flavor, carefully formulated to be enjoyable for children.

How does the subscription work?

With our subscription service, you can set it and forget it! Just choose how often you want your sleep tincture delivered, and we'll make sure it arrives on your doorstep right on time. And don't worry – you can change or cancel your subscription anytime you need to.

Is this appropriate for both boys and girls?

Yes, TruHeight Kids Sleep Tincture is suitable for both boys and girls. It's specially formulated to meet the sleep and rest needs of children aged 2 to 10, regardless of gender, ensuring all kids get the normal sleep they need to thrive the next day.

Do I need a prescription to get this?

No prescription is required. TruHeight® Kids Sleep Tincture is a dietary supplement, designed to be safe, accessible, and easy to incorporate into your child’s daily routine.

How can I store this product?

Store TruHeight® Kids Sleep Tincture at room temperature in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. While refrigeration isn’t necessary, it can help extend shelf life if desired.

What are elderberries and what are their benefits?

Elderberries are nutrient-rich plants known for their powerful antioxidant properties. They are high in vitamin C, which supports immune health and may improve sleep quality. Elderberries also help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, contributing to overall well-being.

Is this FDA Approved?

The FDA regulates prescription and over-the-counter drugs, not dietary supplements. However, TruHeight® products are manufactured in a U.S. facility that follows FDA guidelines and complies with Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) to ensure safety and quality.

How long does it take to see results?

The results may vary from person to person, but it usually takes 30 minutes for the sleep tincture to work on young kids. We recommend taking the suggested dosage of TruHeight® supplements daily, along with a healthy diet.

Where is TruHeight Kids Sleep Tincture made?

Our sleep tincture is proudly manufactured in the United States using both domestic and globally sourced ingredients. We adhere to strict quality control and CGMP standards to ensure the highest levels of quality, purity, and safety.

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Kids Bone growth

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Delicious blend of nutrients for healthy growth and development, bone health, and balanced nutrition for growing kids ages 2-10 years old.*