• We Put Our
    Growth Innovations
    To The Test.

    Many supplements are never clinically tested
    for efficacy. Are you ok with that?
    Neither are we.

We Put Our
Growth Innovations
To The Test.

Many supplements are never clinically tested
for efficacy. Are you ok with that?
Neither are we.

Clinical Pilot Study Shows
TruHeight® Growth Shake Works

After a 6-month clinical pilot trial, children taking TruHeight® daily were reported, by the evaluating clinicians, to have statistically significant increase in Collagen X compared to those in the control group.

El colágeno X
In our study, children who took TruHeight® experienced a remarkable 43.91% higher level of El colágeno X.
El colágeno X is more than just a marker; it plays a central role in the growth process, reflecting real-time bone growth rates.
Growth icon
This significant increase is not just a statistical figure; it translates to enhanced growth plate activity and, consequently, a more robust rate of linear bone growth. By harnessing the power of Collagen X, TruHeight®'s specially formulated supplements are designed to provide targeted nutritional support that works in harmony with the body's natural growth mechanisms.

After a 6-month clinical pilot trial, children taking TruHeight® daily were reported, by the evaluating clinicians, to have statistically significant increase in Collagen X compared to those in the control group.

El colágeno X
In our study, children who took TruHeight® experienced a remarkable 43.91% higher level of El colágeno X.
El colágeno X is more than just a marker; it plays a central role in the growth process, reflecting real-time bone growth rates.
Growth icon
This significant increase is not just a statistical figure; it translates to enhanced growth plate activity and, consequently, a more robust rate of linear bone growth. By harnessing the power of Collagen X, TruHeight®'s specially formulated supplements are designed to provide targeted nutritional support that works in harmony with the body's natural growth mechanisms.

Un estudio revela que la mala alimentación en las escuelas puede resultar en una diferencia de estatura de 7.8 pulgadas

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Las investigaciones demuestran el papel fundamental del crecimiento óseo en la determinación de la estatura.

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¿En qué proporción influye la genética en la estatura humana y en qué medida la nutrición?

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Beneficios del calcio y la vitamina D para el crecimiento óseo.

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Retraso del crecimiento y estrés. ¿Cuál es la relación?

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La capacidad de la Ashwagandha para reducir sustancialmente el estrés.

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Un estudio revela que la mala alimentación en las escuelas puede resultar en una diferencia de estatura de 7.8 pulgadas

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Las investigaciones demuestran el papel fundamental del crecimiento óseo en la determinación de la estatura.

Leer el estudio

¿En qué proporción influye la genética en la estatura humana y en qué medida la nutrición?

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Beneficios del calcio y la vitamina D para el crecimiento óseo.

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Retraso del crecimiento y estrés. ¿Cuál es la relación?

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La capacidad de la Ashwagandha para reducir sustancialmente el estrés.

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