Grow with
#1 Pediatrician Recommended
Brand for Growth and Development

3rd Party Tested

Made in USA

No Artificial Colorants

Clean Ingredients

No es magia, nutrición + sueño + ADN = estatura

Las deficiencias nutricionales pueden obstaculizar la capacidad de su hijo para alcanzar su máximo potencial de estatura. En TruHeight®, hemos elaborado meticulosamente nuestras vitaminas en colaboración con expertos en salud, asegurando que su hijo reciba los nutrientes precisos esenciales para un crecimiento óptimo de su estatura.*





DNA determines a person's final height. However, lack of proper nutrition or a balanced diet plays a major role in a child not reaching their full height potential.

El ADN determina la altura final de una persona. Sin embargo, la falta de nutrición adecuada o una dieta equilibrada juegan un papel importante para que un niño no alcance su potencial de estatura completa.


We use a variety of micro and macro nutrients and an optimized level of protein to make sure a complete and balanced nutrition is met. Making sure the body has vital nutrients for bone growth like Calcium and Vitamin D is essential to grow taller and healthy.

Utilizamos una variedad de micro y macro nutrientes al igual que un nivel optimizado de proteínas para asegurar lograr una nutrición completa y equilibrada. Aseguramos que el cuerpo tenga los nutrientes vitales para el crecimiento óseo como Calcio y Vitamina D, esenciales para crecer alto y saludable.

*This information is provided for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any dietary supplement.

"TruHeight® takes a holistic approach to supporting kids and teens in their growth journey, prioritizing nutrition, sleep, stress management, hormonal balance, and immunity. As a pediatrician, I've seen its positive impact on children’s well-being. TruHeight® truly excels in promoting healthy development."

Dr. Michael Milobsky
Board Certified Pediatrician
TruHeight® Ambassador

"TruHeight® stands out with its superior formulations and essential nutrients for healthy growth. It’s the brand I trust and recommend to parents seeking a reliable solution for their children's development. I’ve seen impressive results with my own sons and confidently share it with others."

Kirsten Brooks
BSc (Hons) DN Med (Dist) mBANT CNHC
Nutricionista para la salud cerebral
TruHeight® Ambassador

"As a pediatric nurse practitioner and a mom, I’ve struggled to find products my picky eater would enjoy, but TruHeight®’s protein shakes have been a hit. They’re not only delicious but also packed with nutrients to support growth and development. I confidently recommend TruHeight® products to families in my clinic."

Karen Wagner
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
TruHeight® Ambassador

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