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Kids Screen Time

Fun Ways to Reduce Screen Time for Kids and Get Them Active

Written by: Dayvin Malifer


Date Published


Time to read 5 min

Have you ever attended a family event where you noticed all of the kids seeming more absorbed in their digital devices than engaging with the rest of the family? It’s quite upsetting if you come to think of it, right? I've had similar experiences, and it's something I've discussed with child psychologists from American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

They've really emphasized to me how important it is for kids to have a healthy balance between screen time and physical activity. Too much time spent on tablets, phones, and video games can negatively impact their physical health, social skills, and cognitive development.

In an interview with child psychologist Dr. Alanna Levine, she noted:

"When kids spend too much time passively engaging with digital devices, it can hamper the development of important cognitive, social, and physical skills. We know that regular physical activity, face-to-face social interaction, and hands-on, creative play are essential for children's healthy growth. Finding ways to reduce screen time for kids and encourage more enriching activities is crucial, especially during family gatherings and celebrations."

As someone in the child behavior studies field myself, I think it's great to have a list of fun, engaging activities that can help reduce screen time for kids and get them moving. 

This post highlights the benefits of limiting screen time and encouraging more interactive, social, and physical play.

What are the Benefits of Reducing Screen Time for Kids?

Improved physical health: Less screen time means more time for activities that do not involve technology. More playtime and physical activity help strengthen their muscles, bones, and overall fitness.

Better sleep: Reducing exposure to blue light from screens can improve sleep quality and duration.

Enhanced cognitive skills: Active, hands-on play can stimulate imagination, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Stronger social skills: Interactive, screen-free activities encourage communication, cooperation, and emotional development.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends limiting screen time for kids aged 2 to 5 years old to no more than one hour per day. By establishing healthy screen time habits early on, you can set your kids up for long-term success.

Children playing outside

10 Fun Ways to Lessen Screen Time and Get Your Kids Active

Cutting down on screen time and doing some fun bonding activities for you and your kids can be a challenge in today's digital-centric world. However, it's crucial for their overall health and development to strike a balance between technology use and active play.

We've compiled 10 fun and creative ideas to help you reduce screen time for kids in your home and get them moving. By incorporating these strategies into their daily or weekly schedules, you can help your children develop important skills, build healthy habits, and create lasting memories together.

1. Act out stories or skits

Encourage your kids to dress up and bring their favorite stories to life through imaginative play. This helps foster their creativity and storytelling skills.

Cute Little Children Dressed as Superheroes

2. Get crafty

Explore various art and craft projects, from coloring to making greeting cards, to spark their creativity. Crafting together also promotes fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Parents and their kids doing painting

3. Involve them in cooking

Let your kids help prepare healthy snacks and meals, teaching them important life skills. This activity also encourages math and reading skills

Mom Cooking with Kids on the Kitchen

4. Dance to music

Turn on some upbeat tunes and have a family dance party to get those little bodies moving. Dancing for kids is a great way to burn energy and express themselves.

Mother and kids dancing

5. Solve puzzles together

Collaborate on jigsaw puzzles or brain teasers to promote problem-solving and teamwork. Simple children’s mind exercises like puzzles challenge cognitive abilities and critical thinking.

Man Solving a Puzzle with his Kids

6. Create a surprise box

Prepare a box filled with new and engaging activities to keep them entertained. This helps break the routine and fosters a sense of excitement and discovery.

Surpirse Box

7. Go for a walk or bike ride

Spend time outdoors, exploring your neighborhood or local park. Being in nature can have a calming effect and improve mental wellbeing.

Father teaching his son to ride a bike

8. Play classic games

Introduce timeless games like hopscotch, jump rope, or tag to get them active and social. These games encourage physical activity and social interaction.

Children Playing with Skipping Rope

9. Host a family game night

Enjoy board games, card games, or video games (in moderation) as a family. Game nights promote quality time, communication, and healthy competition.

Family Playing Board Game at Home

10. Engage in daily physical activities

Incorporate exercises, stretching, or yoga into your daily routine. Consistent physical activity supports overall health and fitness.

Mother teaches son how to make smoothie

Bonus Tip: Supplement Your Toddler's Growth

TruHeight Bone and Brain Growth Gummy

With the fun mental and physical activities mentioned above, consider incorporating TruHeight Kids's Brain Growth Gummy and Bone Growth Gummy into their daily routine. These supplements are formulated with essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, Choline, Calcium, and Vitamin D to promote cognitive function, focus, and strong, healthy bones.


Reducing screen time for kids and encouraging physical activity is crucial for your child's well-being. By implementing creative, fun and engaging activities you can absolutely organize and do, you can create a balanced and stimulating environment for your children that fosters their growth and development. Additionally, you can also create more great memories with your kids! Remember, every little step towards a healthier lifestyle can make a big difference in your child's future.


How much screen time for kids is recommended?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the recommended screen time limit for children aged 2 to 5 years old is no more than one hour per day. The AAP emphasizes the importance of creating a healthy media use plan and ensuring that screen time for kids is balanced with other activities that promote physical, cognitive, and social development.

How can I encourage my child to be more active and less reliant on screens?

Here are some tips to encourage your child to be more active and reduce their screen time:

1. Set clear screen time limits and enforce them consistently.

2. Provide a variety of engaging, non-screen activities like the ones mentioned in the blog post (e.g., crafts, cooking, dance parties, outdoor play).

3. Lead by example and participate in physical activities with your child.

4. Establish tech-free zones or times, such as during mealtimes or before bedtime.

5. Rotate new toys, games, or activities to keep your child interested and engaged.

6. Praise and encourage your child when they choose to engage in physical or creative activities over screen time.

How can supplements help me with reducing my child's screen time and support their overall growth and development?

In addition to a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, incorporating targeted supplements can provide valuable nutrients to support your child's growth and development. Look for supplements formulated with key vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that promote cognitive function, learning, and overall well-being.

For example, TruHeight Kids' Brain Growth Gummy contains nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, Choline, and Vitamin B12 that are known to support attention span, focus, and healthy brain development. By ensuring your child gets the right nutrients, you can help them stay engaged and focused, which can in turn support their learning and academic performance, rather than becoming overly fixated on screens.


  1. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2022). Media and Young Minds.
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Screen time and children: How to guide your child